Teeth Check-Up, Scaling and Cleaning

At Googong Dental Clinic, we do everything possible to detect tooth and gum-related problems early, so that you do not have to face more significant issues later

You can avoid many dental issues before they become serious by visiting a dentist every six months for a Teeth Check-Up. At Googong Dental Clinic, regular check-ups are an important service for our patients. During first consultation we try to know everything regarding your health. This includes getting to know your medical history and past dental history in detail.   

We thoroughly check your jaw, extra-oral areas, soft tissues, hard tissues (teeth)  and bite. In some cases, an x-ray might be needed to uncover the underlying issues, as some tooth-related issues can’t be detected with a regular visual examination. Even after using magnification and high-intensity lights, it’s not always possible to detect some dental problems such as periodontal issues, tumours, abscesses and cysts.

At Googong Dental Clinic, we do everything possible to detect tooth and gum-related problems early, so that you do not have to face more significant issues later. After consultation, the dentist will recommend a treatment plan needed.

Scaling and cleaning services help remove plaque and tartar from the teeth to improve their overall condition and appearance. This should be undertaken on a regular basis.

Book your teeth check-up, scaling and cleaning to promote your long-term dental health.